Play creatively with history and go from century to century
The Museum’s ambitions were oriented towards community work with visitors in the form of leisure programs for families and non-formal education programs for schools and school groups. The foundation of the Museum Has a Future Studio together with the All About the Museum concept contributed to the success of the attempt. The Textbooks Come Alive Project was created in 2017.
The All About the Museum concept sets the course for the development of non-formal education programs as well as leisure activities. The programs are based on individual parts of the concept and draw inspiration from it.
The concept consists of eight basic themes, which are further divided into smaller parts, all of them characterising the principal topic: What is a museum; Who works in a museum; What is the MMB; Expedition to the museums of the MMB; Expedition to a selected theme museum; What is an (Old) Town Hall; the Architecture of the Old Town Hall; Symbols and logos of the MMB. Contents of the individual topics are elaborated further through shorter subtopics from various angles. For example, What is a museum title includes an explanation of terms: what is a collection item, what is a museum deposit, what is an exhibit, what is an exhibition.
Visitors are highly interested in expeditions, i. e. wandering around different museums. The public finds the What Use Is a Museum program attractive. Through a play, the program describes the establishment of the Bratislava City Museum (1868), recounts what used to be there before the MMB, What is the story of the MMB and presents one of its present forms – What is the MMB’s Studio. It also introduces those behind the museum – its employees and their workplaces. Visitors discover, Thanks to individual professions, Museum’s visitors can get an unadulterated experience from looking at real people who work with original collection items.
Another objective of the Studio’s program content is to compare, together with the visitors, today’s real life with life in the past. Programs encourage inventiveness, skills and ways to transform the acquired knowledge into different kinds of art. The Studio’s aim is to develop types of programs focusing on differences between generations regarding the perception of Bratislava’s history; to increase the interest in cultural heritage and history among the youngest generation by means of a newly created space and to form an overview of all the theme museums of the MMB, as well as of selected collection items displayed in different museums (11 in total). The Studio’s offer is extended to include special programs for groups from primary schools to secondary schools in form of non-formal education programs.
The Studio’s purpose and work with family community
The Museum Has a Future Studio with the All About the Museum concept brings different generations together. It is visited by children with their parents, and their grandparents as well. The interest of adults coming to the Studio keeps increasing. First confrontations between generations have already appeared. And since children are our future, they are also the future of museums. The effort of the Museum to enhance the cultural awareness of their visitors will be reflected in their relation to the cultural and historical heritage, to creating personal memory of a place, to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, but also in their opinion of their own human nature.
The Museum Has a Future Studio is an interactive space for everybody ready to play, enjoy and learn new things about the history of the capital city of Bratislava in a new creative and inventive way. The history guide is the curious red Malvína the cat that can squeeze in everywhere and can find out everything.
The Studio offers journeys from present to past as well as a window to future.
Children 3 €
1 adult with a child 0 €
Adult 2 €